Month: March 2017

Purple Train of Thought

purple quilt

Purple Rain

Deep Purple

Purple Plums

Grape Jelly is Purple

and so is Grape Juice

But wine is red or wine is white

so why is grape juice purple?

Purple is the color of royalty

and we wrap the church in purple for lent

maybe so that people take time to repent

I miss The Artist Originally known–

before he was the artist formerly known–

as Price–who worked that purple like nobody else.

Purple is the word for our prompt of the day

but I think it’s time to call a halt to this crazy thought train.

via Daily Prompt: Purple

Turnabout’s Fair Play?

I keep hearing this song (two or three times over the past day and a half):

You hand in your ticket and you go watch the geek
Who immediately walks up to you when he hears you speak
And says, “How does it feel to be such a freak?”
And you say, “Impossible!” as he hands you a bone
And something is happening here but you don’t know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?

“Ballad of a Thin Man” by Bob Dylan

via Daily Prompt: Label

Greening the Concrete Jungle

Came to the community college downtown for the theater production our son had a worked no and we saw that the college has an urban farming project. 

It gives me hope to see people ke recognizing that growing food in the city is beneficial in a variety of ways: fruits and veggies growing in food deserts, carbon exchange happening in the middle is a city…it’s all good!

Recycling as Art

Our neighbor decided to do some concrete removal today, so we used that as an excuse to get out of the house and go explore downtown. We found an awesome organic market with lots of plant-based options (which is always a win!!!) and we stumbled across this installation that takes plastic backs and upcycles them into plastic yarn and is making a sculpture from the plastic yarn.

Green art for the win! 

Worth Considering

Walked a bit on the strand today and came across these “Info Boards” about how wetlands help stem the tide of extinction.

“What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone , man would die from a great loneliness of the spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts, soon happens to the man. All things are connected.”

“The U.S. Endangered Species Act, established in 1973, grants federal and state governments the power to protect certain species of plants and animals, along with their habitat, to keep them from eventually becoming extinct. Extinction, a natural part of evolution, is when a species disappears completely from the world, and should occur very slowly, over thousands of years. However, due to human influences, the current rate of extinction has accelerated at an alarming pace. “(Emphasis added)

It’s worth considering. Maybe we can reclaim our purpose of tilling and keeping the planet?

Thoughts on Positivity

I saw a tweet the other day that had a quote about one of my favorite “reality” television shows, Face Off.

Patton Oswalt said, “Face Off teaches kids that you can want to win and still be excited about what your competitors are doing.”

I’ve been watching Face Off with my family since it’s first season aired, and one of the reasons we keep coming back is that, beyond the whole creativity piece, there is positivity and cooperation in the midst of this competition, and we love seeing these things on television. So many reality shows promote human drama and conflict as the most compelling parts of what is offered, but I’ll choose positivity and creativity over creativity and drama any day.

So thanks, Face Off!

Voyager and Visions of the Future


In October we had the chance to visit the Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds exhibit at the EMP Museum in Seattle. Besides having the freedom to openly geek out, I was also blown away by how the museum had used their mannequins to faithfully reflect the diversity of the cast of all the Star Trek series’ crews.

There is an internet meme making its way around that was intended to be snarky but has taken hold in the liberal and progressive community that says something along the line of “this is the future that liberals want.”  Today I saw on Twitter a photo of the crew of the Enterprise from Star Trek:The Next Generation with the Caption “This the Future that Liberals Want.”

I offer up the crew of Star Trek: Voyager as the future I hope for. I love TNG, but I also hope for a future where we don’t just have men for leaders.